
Psychoeducational & Neuropsychological Assessments 

Psychoeducational testing refers to the psychological tests used to analyze the mental processes underlying your child’s educational performance.  The goal of this assessment is to discover a child's unique learning style, strengths, and challenges so they can receive well-matched services and accommodations.  These results are obtained through direct assessment (e.g., intelligence tests, processing tests, interviews, observation, and record review).  The battery is personalized to the individual child.  Once the testing is complete, the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team will meet to discuss the results, determine special education eligibility, and services.  As a policy, I always ask to be part of the IEP or 504 team so that I can share the testing results and recommendations directly.  

I specialize in complicated cases, including Autism, Emotional Disturbances, severe Learning Disabilities, Twice Exceptional, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.